2024 Tasting Room Survey Report: Revenue Steady Amid Rising Stakes for Direct Sales
July 1, 2024
Visitation and wine club recruitment declined slightly in 2023, yet wineries appear to have been able to hold the line on direct sales revenue.
According to the 2024 WineBusiness Monthly Tasting Room Survey, the median order value of all direct sales channels increased in the past year. The median tasting room order of $97 was 10% more than last year while the median club order of $175 was 17% higher. The increase in average order value was even more dramatic, with the average tasting room order growing from $139 to $256 and average club order up 46% to $369.
Sustainability at the Store: What Does it Mean and How Does it Affect the Shopper?
May 1, 2024
New insights from Nielsen IQ show that consumers are increasingly considering the health of the planet in the “health and wellness” mindset.
WiVi Central Coast Shares Tips on Connecting with Consumers, Discusses Health/Wellness Trends
March 28, 2024
How to get new consumers and face the headwinds of the wine industry—everything from decreased sales to increased competition from spirits, and a disinterest in wine from younger generations like Gen Z—is a question being discussed by many in the wine world, and it seems to be a constant topic of discussion. There are opportunities for building brand success and reigning in new consumers and the key, in part, lies in listening and engaging with them and having an understanding of their concerns in order to meet the consumer where they are and make wine more approachable.
Seizing Opportunities on the Growing Central Coast
March 29, 2023
On March 29, on the heels of Central Coast Insights, WiVi Central Coast continued the conversation on the growth of the Central Coast wine region and focused on why the Central Coast and why now, why invest in the burgeoning area?
This particular question was the focus of the event’s keynote address, “Central Coast Focus: Trends, Investment, Opportunity…” and while each session speaker provided different answers, the overarching answer for “why now,” is that the Central Coast holds opportunity; from being able to grow many different varieties in unique places, to the prospect of being able to reach new consumers and catch younger generations of legal wine drinkers, to the friendly atmosphere and the potential to utilize that to have fun with social media and meet the consumers where they are.
Defining DTC Success with Data
March 23, 2023
The upcoming WiVi conference and tradeshow in Paso Robles, Calif., will feature a panel of winery direct-to-consumer experts discussing how they use data to increase and better understand their DTC sales.
Recently Established San Luis Obispo Coast AVA and its Cool Climate Wines to Be Highlighted at WiVi
March 2, 2023
Local Winemakers from the New AVA will Discuss History of Region, Showcase 10 Wines in Tasting Session
Almost a year ago, the San Luis Obispo Coast AVA, which closely hugs the coastline and inspires climate-focused wines, was awarded AVA status by the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
This recently established vinicultural area will be the focus of one of the featured sessions at the 2023 WiVi conference in Paso Robles. The session, “Exploring the New Central Coast AVA – San Luis Obispo Coast AVA,” is scheduled for March 29.